June is the month for people who are fed up of allopathy and want a holistic treatment for the unholy lifestyles they led in modern times. So people who are suffering goes for ayurvedic treatment. Here is Dr Amardasan Nair of 112, Pinto Apartment,Vasai (w), contact number is 9322762518
Here is the interview taken by us-
Q) Please tell us something about you?
A) I have been practising ayurveda for the last 20 years and did MD in ayurveda from Podar Medical College in Worli.I treat the patient in a holistic manner.The true roots of my passion wre laid by my father who was an ayurvedic expert.I pratice ayurveda as a worship towards the knowledge of the seers and understands the human body and mind in its true form.
Q) What is Panchakarma treatment?
A) This term means five actions in Sanskrit,Pancha meaning five and karma meaning action.It is refered to as five stages of healing and is used as a procedure to excrete waste.It involves five purifying procedures that are an essential part of treatment.They are Vaman,Virechan,Basti,Nasya and Raktamokshan.Basti heals the neurological and obesity problems,Virechan purify the vascular system and skin ailments,Vaman cures asthma and allergy and Nasya checks migrane,cervical spondilosis and facial paralysis.
Q) How many doshas (medical humors) are there in ayurveda?
A) In ayurveda,there are three doshas namely Vata(air),Pitta (fire) and Kapha(water).According to ayurveda each individual is a combination of the three doshas of Vata,Pitta and Kapha or one of these doshas.The basic constitution represents the individual's psychological and physical nature,distintly.The tridoshas governs all metobolic activities in an individual.Within each person the doshas are adusting to countless changes in the doshas of nature,in addition to the changes within one self.
Q) What is the similarity between ayurveda and beauty tretment?
A) As in any holistic medicine,inner and outer radiance and aging are closely related.The more we nurture ourselves,the more radiant we become mentally,spirtually,physically and emotionally,regardless of our particular body shape or proportions.Ayurveda emphasizes beauty as being a product of the four dimensions,physical,mental,spiritual and mental health with high importance given to self-knowledge,positive environment,development of positive routines and habits.
The secrets in retaining youth and beauty is ensuring the proper circulation of vital life fluids and the regular discharge of waste materials through therapies such as Panchakarma and kaya Chikitsa.
Q) What is Mehndi (heena)?
A) It is a traditional artwork on hands and feet.It has always been highly popular in India,and now people from all over the world are enjoying this experience.In India it is especially popular during festivals and wedding ceremonies.The special ayurvedic significance lies in its effect of balancing Pitta.Enjoy our highly talented therapist-artists performing this traditional artwork on your hands and feet.Its effect is temporary,lasting for approximately 2 weeks.
Q) What is Massage?
A) Necessary for every person,a regular self-massage with herbal oils is usually adequate but needs to be supplemented with professional attention occasionally.It makes the skin supple,controls vata by reducing its cold,dry,light,rough and erratic qualities,enchances blood circulation,encourages quicker removal of metabolic wastes and relaxes the body.Follow the normal direction of hair growth,use a little extra oil over the body's vital parts,massage the scalp and head at least weekly and just the soles of your feet if short of time.
By Vijay Shanker and Rajendra Ganotra