What piece would best adorn my home?" were the question, the unitmembers said, surely troubled Katrina. But surprise, surprise! KatrinaWas only focused on her work. Her attention was completely on theScene that was being shot. "Not even once did Katrina's attention getdrifted towards the showpieces and the jewelry. She was completelyimmersed in her work. She was 'crystal' clear about her career. Anybody in her place would have easily given into the temptation of walking around the beautifully decorated storeand shopped like a maniac. But not Katrina."
The unit members decided to honour Katrina's dedication towards herwork. "We bought a gift from Swavroski for Katrina and presented it toher after the shooting got over. She was touched by our gesture," aunit member revealed smiling.
The unit member added, ""Swarvroski usually do not allow any shootingTo take place in their stores. But made an exception for SubhashGhai's film. They even kept the store shut that particular day. Butthousands had gathered to watch the shooting of the film."
by Rajendra Ganotra